Tot Links and a Preview...
It's only Tuesday and already I feel like I've had such a productive week! The girls and I have been working on a farm theme this week including a heads and tails matching game, tractor sequencing, beginner maze where a little lost chick finds it's family, lots of great farm books, a lap book, and lots lots more! It so wonderful to see Little L trying to teach her baby sister everything she knows!
I've also managed to make a flower headband for whichever baby it happens to fit (they were both sleeping when I made it and I hadn't pre-measured heads). Tomorrow, once I find the cord that allows me to upload my pictures, I will put up a tutorial.
Here's a preview of what you can expect this week...
- An overview of our official week One of "Tot School" - we've been schooling since day one, but somehow blogging about it makes it "official" in my mind...
- A tutorial on the inter-changeable flower headband
- Links to all of our farm materials used this week, including Tot Book, games, and flashcards
- Another recipe or two
But, so I don't leave you with nothing here are a couple of links to online games for the tots. You may think they are too young to be exposed to the computer, but in todays technology driven age, it's never too early! So, without further ado, here are our farm-themed favourites: - Watch farm animals pop up and the screen as you or your baby press the space bar. - Watch a short video of each animal. - Virtual farm yard where you mouse over the amimals and the make sounds. Good for getting your little one used to using the mouse. - Click on "Play" and then "Happy Mrs. Chicken". click on the screen to make Mrs. Chicken lay eggs and watch them hatch! - This was one of Little L.'s favourites from the time she was about 3 months old. She loved bashing away at the keys and watching things happen. Not farm themed, but still a good find.
I've also managed to make a flower headband for whichever baby it happens to fit (they were both sleeping when I made it and I hadn't pre-measured heads). Tomorrow, once I find the cord that allows me to upload my pictures, I will put up a tutorial.
Here's a preview of what you can expect this week...
- An overview of our official week One of "Tot School" - we've been schooling since day one, but somehow blogging about it makes it "official" in my mind...
- A tutorial on the inter-changeable flower headband
- Links to all of our farm materials used this week, including Tot Book, games, and flashcards
- Another recipe or two
But, so I don't leave you with nothing here are a couple of links to online games for the tots. You may think they are too young to be exposed to the computer, but in todays technology driven age, it's never too early! So, without further ado, here are our farm-themed favourites: - Watch farm animals pop up and the screen as you or your baby press the space bar. - Watch a short video of each animal. - Virtual farm yard where you mouse over the amimals and the make sounds. Good for getting your little one used to using the mouse. - Click on "Play" and then "Happy Mrs. Chicken". click on the screen to make Mrs. Chicken lay eggs and watch them hatch! - This was one of Little L.'s favourites from the time she was about 3 months old. She loved bashing away at the keys and watching things happen. Not farm themed, but still a good find.
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