Excuses, Excuses...

I feel terrible for not posting more often. I know I shouldn't - this definitely shouldn't be anywhere near the top of my priority list (sorry guys) - but I do. I feel bad. I know there are people watching for post and I'm not making them. It makes me a little sad. I have excuses...babies, pregnancy, husband, school, cleaning...but really, what's 30 minutes a day to post? So, I guess I'm going to try to make a blogging schedule much like I schedule everything else!

This is my proposed plan:

Monday - Menu Plan Monday
Wednesday - What's in the Workbox Wednesday
Weekend - Weekly Review

...and whatever else I happen to post. Maybe this will work, maybe not.

In the meantime, you'll find my learning goals for both girls for tis week here. I really felt like Violet was getting the short end of the stick, so I made some for her too!

I'm going to try really hard tomorrow (or sometime in the near future...) to make a post about our Arctic Unit and the success of our workboxes. Stay tuned!


  1. Sounds great and I hope you have photos!

  2. I have LOADS of photos!! Now I just have to find the cord that allows me to get them onto the computer.....


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